Modeling of Blood vessels


Cardiovascular system


Hemodynamics means the study of blood flow and related forces in moving the blood through the cardiovascular system. It discusses the physical principles of blood flow through the blood vessels with special reference to the inter-relationships among pressure, flow and resistance. Hemodynamics is defined as the forces affecting the flow of blood throughout the body. Human beings cannot survive without adequate oxygenation, and the primary function of the cardiopulmonary system is to deliver an appropriate amount of oxygen and nutrients to meet the metabolic demands of the body and then to remove metabolic waste products.

Laminar Flow

aminar flow is the normal condition for blood flow throughout most of the cardiovascular system. It is characterized by concentric layers of blood moving in parallel down the length of a blood vessel. The highest velocity is found in the center of the vessel. The lowest velocity is found along the vessel wall. This occurs in long, straight blood vessels, under steady flow conditions. In laminar flow the direction of the flow is parallel to the vessel wall and is basically straight.

Turbulent Flow

Turbulent flow occurs in large arteries at branch points. In turbulent flow the direction of the flow is not parallel to the vessel wall and blood flows in different directions. Turbulent flow can often cause small whirlpools to form in the blood, much like the ones seen in rivers at points of obstruction. In the section 4, we have modeled an algorithm for the traversal of the blood vessels in a breath first manner. In the section 5, we have briefly described the numerical calculation based on synthetic view for both normal and abnormal patients

Modeling of the blood vessels system through Fractals In real blood vessels system, vessel walls are elastic and change its diameters. In this way resistance of blood vessel system is regulated. This process is known as auto regulation and corrects nutrition of all cells in human body. Blood flow estimation assumes laminar flow for the entire fractal vascular tree. The blood vessel of the human cardiovascular system is modeled through the fractal vascular tree like structure is shown below. [3, 4, 12] (Fig.2). The basic idea of fractal is that breaking down an object into smaller parts and each of which resembles the whole has been invoked for the blood vessels.

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